This is the playfield and backglass. The first thing one will notice is how colorful this table is, and its lack of bumpers. This table is a ten-ball (!), four-flipper (!), thirteen-shot (!!) layout with at least four cross-playfield shots. The theme is as follows: you are a taxi (not a taxi driver, a taxi) traveling from New York to San Francisco to participate in the Big Race back. Along the way, you will face various challenges, pick up passengers, outrun the police, duel other cars for a better grid position, and (hopefully) earn a million dollars.
The two flippers in their usual place are joined by an up-post labeled "Air Bag". This is a standard anti-drain up-post. The flipper area is designed to resemble the dashboard of the taxi. The six blue lights mark progress toward the game's main wizard mode: the Really Big Race.
Here is the meter. All taxis have to have one, right? This meter is an eight-reel mechanical score-keeper that keeps track of your cash. The meter also is the timer display. It can handle both pieces of info at once, but the timer overrides the cash display.Here we have the left inlanes and outlane. The inlanes and outlanes together spell "T-R-U-N-K" and light the "Open the Trunk" mystery feature on the Dead End, which can be seen near the "In the City" sign, which lights up when you are in a city. More on these later. One more thing: the green "MagnoCharger" light. This light signals that the MagnoCharger is ready. The outer left inlane lights the right ramp magnet for 10 seconds. Any right ramp shotsmade during this time will divert back to the left inlane for another shot and extend the timer by a few seconds. Further, the Air Bag will raise for 30 seconds.
Here is the Dead End. It is a short lane ending in a saucer. The Hot Rod (the car on the right) lives here and will pop up as needed for his modes. His scoop can contain two balls at once, and may even keep one for game purposes.
The left orbit, guarded by a spinner, is a quite important shot: it starts Speedway Frenzies (multiballs) and Speedway Mania, allows you to enter a city, and is the home of Jay's Secret Stash. Jay's is where you buy goodies with your cash. Note the triangular arrows on both the Dead End and the left orbit: each of these can light up red, yellow, green, blue, or white. I'm not sure, but I think they have three LEDs under each light cover. The tests seem to indicate so, but I haven't actually opened up the machine to find out. Anyway...
Here is the left ramp, guarded by a pair of standup targets. There is really only one wasted bit of space on this machine, and it's not here. Anyway, like the Dead End, it has a car (in this case, the Sports Car), a five-color all-purpose light, and three lights labeled "1", "2", and "3". These lights count down to the car's Speedway Challenge and indicate the jackpot multiplier during its Speedway Frenzy. The standups help select a direction to go when on the road, and can be lit for $2,000 when in a city. The left ramp can divert to either lower flipper; this is often used to set up a shot for a mode. As far as I can tell, the left and right ramps' entrance switches are optos.
Here's Jay and his Secret Stash. A diverter on the left orbit lets you access this saucer.
This is the U-Turn and the Police Car scoop. The Police scoop is guarded by a little ramp that can pop up to allow the ball to hit the police car atop the ramp. By the way, here's what the side looks like...
This is the Taxi, star of the show. He collects Taxi quickshots (hurry-ups),. starts Video Mode, lights Passenger locks, locks the fourth ball for Passenger Frenzy, lights Police Chase jackpots, is an essential shot in several modes and challenges, and acts as the finish line for all races and duels. Yeah, you wanna get this shot down. His grill can open to admit balls. All balls shot into the Taxi (whether directly or from the mini-loop) get shunted to the Nameless Scoop, which we will get to shortly.
Here is the final two cross-playfield shots: the upper-right ramp and the big loop. The upper-right ramp can divert to the upper-right or the lower-right flipper, depending upon modes. Also visible here is the top of the right ramp, which is a jump ramp.
Speaking of the right ramp, here it is. It is home to the Monster Truck, and, as such, is a key shot for the Truck's challenge and frenzy. It is equipped with the usual 3-2-1 lights and a five-color all-purpose light. The ramp is guarded by the final two standups, labeled "S" and "E". Again, these are for selecting directions.
It's hard to see here, but there is a sixth standup, labeled "?". This will spot various shots in certain modes, provided that you have the right piece of equipment from Jay's. More on this later.Finally, here is the right orbit, home to the Mini Bug (or Mini Beetle; the game refers to it as either). She has her own challenge and frenzy, as well. Int the left photo, on the right, you can see the Nameless Scoop; this ejects balls from the Taxi. If a ball falls in there during city play, it lights one of the four NSEW targets for $2,000.
The right inlane and outlane have no surprises; the Nameless Scoop has the On the Road light next to it, as well as a flasher. There are a total of twelve flashers in the game: six are standard, and the other six ar on the headlights of the cars.
Here is the game's coolest feature: the Nitro Boost. Lit by consecutive U-Turn shots, the Nitro Boost, when flashing, allows you to hit the LAUNCH button to automatically complete ALL of the flashing shots on the table at once. (!!!) Now let's take a look at the center of the table.
The map of the USA has 16 lights on it, representing the 16 cities you may visit on the way to San Francisco.
The four Duel lights are pretty self-explanatory; they indicate which Duels are active. Also of note is that we can see the Mystery target a little better here.
Skill Shots
There are four possible skill shots in Big Race USA. When a ball is plunged, the upper-right ramp will light. Shoot that ramp for a Skill Shot worth the current skill shot value (1M per successful skill shot) and $5000. Hit the big loop and then the upper-right ramp for a Super Skill Shot (similar to The Web's Super Skill) worth twice the skill shot value and $10,000. Holding both flippers down for two seconds while the ball is in the shooter lane will activate the analog plunger. To use the analog plunger, hold the LAUNCH button down, then release it. Plunge to the upper-right flipper and hit the upper-left ramp for a Secret Skill Shot worth three times the skill shot value and $15,000. Finally, plunging to the upper-right flipper, hitting the mini-loop and then hitting the upper-left ramp is a Super Secret Skill Shot worth five times the skill shot value and $25,000. When a skill shot is made, the ball will be diverted to the lower flippers. Note that Passenger Frenzy locks override Skill Shots.
Combos are available during single-ball play, and score the current combo value (which starts at 1M each ball and is increased by 250K for each TRUNK completion) multiplied by the number of combos in the sequence. The combos are as follows:
Left orbit / Upper-left ramp
Left orbit / Mini-loop
Left ramp / Left orbit*
Left ramp / Right ramp
Left ramp / Right orbit
Mini-loop / Upper-left ramp
Upper-left ramp / Upper-right ramp Upper-left ramp / Big loop
Upper-left ramp / Right ramp**
Upper-left ramp / Right orbit**
Upper-right ramp / Left orbit*
Upper-right ramp / Left ramp*
Upper-right ramp / Mini-loop
Upper-right ramp / Upper-left ramp
Big loop / Upper-right ramp
Big loop / Right ramp**
Big loop / Right orbit**
Right ramp / Left orbit
Right ramp / Left ramp
Right ramp / Right orbit*
Right orbit / Upper- right ramp
Right orbit / Big loop
Right orbit / Right ramp**
*These are only valid when the first ramp diverts properly.
**These are valid any time; just let the ball fall onto the lower-left flipper.
All combos advance toward Duels: the lower ramps advance toward the Hot Rod duel, the orbits advance towards the Sports Car, the upper ramps advance towards Monster Truck, and the loops advance towards the Mini Bug. In addition to the combos, there are eight maneuvers you can pull off:
Handbrake Turn: L orbit / Mini-loop / UL ramp / Big loop
Bootlegger Reverse: L ramp / R ramp / L rampBarrel Roll: Big loop / UR ramp / Mini-loop
Fish Tail: R ramp / L ramp / R orbit / R ramp
Back Flip: UR ramp / UL ramp / UR ramp / UL ramp
Power Slide: UL ramp / R ramp / L orbit
Two-Wheeler: R orbit / Big loop / UR ramp
Dough Nut: Mini-loop / UL ramp / Big loop / R orbit
The three-combo maneuvers (note that the first shot must itself be a combo) score double the current combo value (that is, the value it would be if it were not a maneuver) and count as two combos towards a Duel; the four-combo maneuvers score four times the current value and light a Duel immediately. If a combo sequence includes a loop, you can shoot that loop multiple times without breaking the combo sequence. Furthermore, maneuvers can overlap: shooting a Two-Wheeler and then hitting the Mini-loop will get you the Barrel Roll. Duels normally take three combos to light (or four if you have already gone through the Duel sequence.)
The MagnoCharger
The MagnoCharger is a magnet under the right ramp. Shooting either upper ramp lights the green MagnoCharger light on the outer left inlane. Triggering the outer left inlane rollover activates the MagnoCharger for about 10 seconds. If you shoot the right ramp during this time, the magnet will hurl the ball up the ramp, which will divert to the lower left flipper, activate the Air Bag for about 20 seconds, and give you another shot at the MagnoCharger. Successive MagnoCharger shots are worth 1M per shot to a maximum of 5M. The game keeps track of the number of MagnoCharger shots; first and every fifth MagnoCharger (cumulative) lights Video Mode or awards 10M if it is already lit, except for the tenth and 100th, which light an Extra Ball. If you fail to shoot the MagnoCharger within the original time limit, the green light will relight. The Monster Truck and MagnoCharger will respect each other; if the Truck is up, the MagnoCharger will not activate, and if the MagnoCharger is activated, the Truck will not pop up. However, during Speedway Mania, they will ignore each other, which can create problems.
Open the Trunk
Completing the TRUNK lamps will light Open the Trunk on the Dead End. Open the Trunk is a mystery feature: a racer (the Hot Rod, Sports Car, Monster Truck, or Mini Beetle) will show up and offer you some cash. You can either take the cash or open the trunk. There are four classes of awards: small, normal, large, and super. The category you get is determined by the racer and how much it offers, according to this chart:
Hot Rod, less than $1000: Medium
Hot Rod, more than $1000: Small
Sports Car, less than $1000: Small
Sports Car, more than $1000: Medium
Monster Truck, less than $1000: Large
Monster Truck, more than $1000: Small
Mini Beetle, less than $1000: Medium
Mini Beetle, more than $1000: Large
Notice that super awards never show up on this chart. This is because there is a category boost: if the racer offers less than $1000 and you take the cash, the next Open the Trunk will be boosted by one category. If you don't open the next trunk, this will be wasted.
The small awards are small points (10K-100K) and small cash ($10-$100). The medium awards are: big points (1M-10M), big cash ($1000-$10,000), light Jay's Secret Stash, Bonus Boost (2X), light Speedway Challenge (city only) and light Duel (road only). The large awards are: really big points (10M-100M), really big cash ($10,000-$100,000), immediate 4-ball Passenger Frenzy (city only), immediate Police Chase Frenzy (road only), and Jay's Giveaway. The first Super award is an extra ball; all later super awards are really big air bags (90 seconds.)
City Play
During city play, the following features are available:
City Modes
There are fifteen modes, one for each city except San Francisco. (San Francisco's mode is the Big Race.) The modes are divided into "east" and "west" divisions: the east division modes are for New York, Boston, Washington, Detroit, Memphis, Atlanta, Denver, and Dallas; the west division modes are for Chicago, New Orleans, Salt Lake City, Las Vegas, Phoenix, Seattle, and Los Angeles. The modes are further separated into quickshots and timed modes, and assigned randomly within each division. The modes are as follows:
Money Spinner Quickshot: This quickshot is lit on the Taxi, as are all of the City Mode quickshots; each quickshot will start at 10M and stay there for a few seconds, then count down to 2.5M and time out. Making any City Mode Quickshot for its maximum value will award a Big Race Booster. More on these later. Anyway, this particular quickshot, when made, will light the spinner for Money Spinner. Money Spinner awards $50 per spin, with each spin adding $50 to the value. So the first spin is worth $50, the next $100, and so on. These spins are cumulative, and Money Spinner lasts for 45 seconds (and does not count as a mode for purposes of stacking.)
Bonus Hold Quickshot: Make it to hold your bonus multiplier over to the next ball.
Bonus Bonanza Quickshot: Make it to light the U-Turn for Bonus Bonanza, a 45-second mode (that is not a City Mode) that awards bonus multipliers each time you hit the U-Turn. The first U-Turn gives you one, the next gives you two, and all others give you three. This overrides the maximum bonus multiplier of 10X.
Jay's Giveaway Quickshot: Make it to play Jay's Giveaway. Items from Jay's Secret Stash begin flashing on the DMD; hit both flippers or the LAUNCH button to choose one. He will not offer you items you have already purchased, nor planners, compasses, or fortune cookies; if you hit the button as the audio is playing, he will give you a lottery ticket (which won't show up otherwise in the Giveaway). All items are free.
Taxi Rank Rampage: Timer starts at 20 seconds. The lower ramps and the upper-left ramp will light. Hitting any of these will divert the ball to the lower-left flipper and give you a 3-second timer to hit the taxi. Do this three times (the last time, the Taxi will open and you must get the ball in it to count) to win the mode and get a Big Race Booster. After each Taxi hit, the Air Bag will deploy for a few seconds.
Speed Hump Hilarity: Timer starts at 30 seconds. All switches score 250K; hit 10 switches to raise the Mini-Ramp, then hit the Police Car atop the Police Scoop to add 10 seconds to the timer and 250K to the switch value. You can do this a maximum of three times; doing it twice nets you a Big Race Booster. Try to combine this mode with a Passenger Frenzy; a four-ball multiball with all switches scoring 1M can be quite lucrative.
Attack of the Unfriendly Aliens: Timer starts at 20 seconds. A roving shot will light; it moves from the Dead End to the left ramp, the U-Turn, the right ramp, and the right orbit, and then back again. Hit the shot to score the current value (5M + 1M/shot, maximum 10M), reset the timer, and randomly move the shot. Hit the shot three times for a Big Race Booster; the mode continues after that, with one difference: hitting the shot now adds 10 seconds to the timer, to a maximum of 20 seconds.
Mall Mayhem: Timer starts at 40 seconds. The Dead End, left orbit, Police Scoop, and Taxi will light; clear them off (10M each) to add 10 seconds to the timer and light the U-Turn. Hit it to score a final 10M, escape the mall, and win a Big Race Booster.
Big Race Booster Quickshot: Make it for a Big Race Booster. (Note that if you make it for its maximum value, you will get two Boosters.)
Extra Ball Quickshot: Make it to light Extra Ball. If it's made, later visits to this city will have an Air Bag Quickshot instead; making that raises the Air Bag for 30 seconds.
Nitro Boost Quickshot: Make it to light Nitro Boost. Nitros don't stack, so this is wasted if Nitro Boost was already lit. Oh well...
Attack of the Really Big Creature: Timer starts at 15 seconds. Each spinner spin adds 2 seconds to the timer and scores 1M; raise the timer above 35 seconds to escape and get the Big Race Booster.
Car Park Calamity: The upper ramps and loops light. Shoot a loop to look for a parking space; shoot an upper ramp to ascend to the next level in the garage. Each loop scores 1M per level (so if you are on level 4, it will be 4M) and might open the Taxi if you are on a level higher than 1 (all the good spots are taken, I guess.) Shooting a ramp scores 1M * the new level and closes the Taxi if it was open. Shoot the open Taxi to park and get the Big Race Booster.
Car Wash Chaos: You have 45 seconds to shoot the left ramp four times to win the Big Race Booster; each shot scores 10M.
Grid Lock Lunacy: Timer starts at 30 seconds. The mini-ramp raises; it will lower for one second every six seconds. It will not lower if a flipper is being held. Shoot the Police Car to add 10 seconds to the timer and score 5M (this may be done any number of times); get the ball into the Police Scoop to score 30M and the Booster. NOTE: Using a Nitro Boost during this mode makes it impossible to win it.
The Big Race: See "The Big Race", below.
Speedway Challenges
During any single-ball city play except a Speedway Challenge, shooting the Dead End, left ramp, right ramp, or right orbit will advance the 3-2-1 lights in front of the shot, scoring 250K, 500K, and 750K. When the "1" is scored, the racer will raise and invite you to participate in a Challenge. Shoot the racer to accept. There are four Challenges, one for each racer. Each Challenge will light three shots; one will be green, one yellow, and one red. You will have 30 seconds; each shot made will add 10 seconds to the timer. Shoot them all to raise the racer again; shoot the racer to win the Challenge, $10,000, and a Big Race Booster. If you hit the shots in any order except green-yellow-red, each shot will score 5M and the racer will score 10M for a total of 25M. If you shoot them in the green-yellow-red order, they will score 5M-10M-15M and the racer will score 20M for a total of 50M. If you shoot them in order and hit the racer within 20 seconds of the Challenge's start, the racer shot will score 30M and you will get two Boosters instead of one. Using a Nitro Boost will count as hitting the three shots in order, but the game will only count the 15M shot; thus, Nitro Boosting the shots and then hitting the racer will score 35M (or 45M if you were fast enough.)
The four Challenges' shots are as follows (in order):
Drag Speedway Challenge (Hot Rod): Taxi, Police Scoop, left ramp.
Oval Speedway Challenge (Sports Car): right ramp, right orbit, upper-right ramp.
Stunt Speedway Challenge (Monster Truck): U-Turn, left orbit, big loop.
Street Speedway Challenge (Mini Beetle): left orbit, mini-loop, upper-left ramp.
When you finish a Speedway Challenge, whether by winning, losing, or draining, its associated Speedway Frenzy becomes lit on the left orbit. Jay's takes precedence over starting Speedway Frenzies. If you have collected the right piece of equipment, the Mystery target will be lit; hit that to spot the next colored shot. One other thing: the ramps will divert to allow for the best setup of the next shot, and if the big loop or upper-right ramp is lit, Jay's will do a quick catch-and-release for any left orbit shot.
Speedway Frenzies
Speedway Frenzies are lit on the left orbit once any Speedway Challenge has been finished. Shooting the left orbit when Jay's is not lit will start all lit Speedway Frenzies. When this happens, the game will kick one ball into play for each Frenzy started (so if you started three Frenzies, it will be a four-ball multiball.) Jackpots are lit on the Dead End, left ramp, right ramp, and right orbit. If you shoot a jackpot shot, it will score 1M per Frenzy started (so in our example, it would be 3M) and, if you started the Frenzy corresponding to that shot, will light Double Jackpot on that shot. Scoring any Double Jackpot will light a Triple Jackpot on that shot. Scoring any Triple will revert the shot back to a Single Jackpot, give you eight seconds of Air Bag, and, most importantly, light Super Jackpot (5X jackpot) on the upper ramps. Shooting an upper ramp will collect all lit Supers simultaneously; if you collect all four Supers at once, it will be an Ultra Jackpot (5X Super, or 25X jackpot). The first batch of Supers collected will award one Big Race Booster for each Super collected; if the first Super batch is an Ultra, five Boosters will be awarded. Scoring any Super will restart the Jackpot sequence for that shot. This multiball comes with a 20-second (?) ball saver; it will end when you are down to one ball or fewer. Nitro Boosts will count as shooting the Super Jackpots first, and then each Jackpot simultaneously.
Speedway Mania
Once all four Speedway Frenzies have been played, Speedway Mania (the Speedway wizard mode) will become lit. Shoot the left orbit to start it. Speedway Mania is a 60-second timed mode. One racer will raise for about 6 seconds; a quickshot will count down from 20M to1M. Shoot the racer to collect the quickshot and raise another racer; the next quickshot will count down from 40M to 2M. Collect all four quickshots to win the mode, an Extra Ball, and $20,000. If a quickshot times out, the racer will lower, and then a racer you have not collected will pop up (it may be the same one.) Nitro Boost does not work during this mode, but Passenger Frenzy may be started. After Speedway Mania is finished, the 3-2-1 lights will reset and you may start the Speedway sequence over again. Starting Speedway Mania will light the first blue light on the dashboard.
Passenger Frenzy
Passenger Frenzy is the main city multiball. At any time during city play, hitting the closed Taxi will advance toward a Passenger lock and award $1. The first three Passenger locks are lit on the mini-loop (the Taxi door will open to admit the ball... cute) and the fourth lock goes in the front of the Taxi. Passenger Frenzy will start when all lit locks have been locked (assuming you lit at least two); it is advisable to light as many locks as possible before locking any balls. All Passenger locks are virtual; the ball will be ejected out of the Nameless Scoop. Passenger Frenzy is a two-to-four ball multiball, depending on how many balls you locked. A 5M and $2000 Jackpot will be lit on two, three, or all four racer shots (Dead End, left ramp, right ramp, right orbit). Clear off all jackpots to open the Taxi for a Double, Triple, or Super (5X) Jackpot (again, depending on how many balls you locked; this is why it is advisable to lock four balls). Scoring a Super Jackpot will award a Big Race Booster (the first time in any four-ball Passenger Frenzy) and relight the jackpot shots. More importantly, it will light the second blue light on the dashboard.
Jay's Secret Stash
Jay's is lit by shooting any loop twice in a row. The items you may purchase from Jay's are:
- Lottery Ticket, $1: Self-explanatory.
- Fortune Cookie, $3: Self-explanatory.
- Planner, $1000: This item is only available when you have already played the City Mode for the city you are in and there is a choice about where to go next. The Planner will allow you to select your next destination and immediately put you on the road.
- Ferry, $2000: This item is only available in Chicago or New Orleans, and only after the City Mode has been played. It will take you up or down the Mississippi River to the other city of the two.
- Cruise Control, $2000: This doubles your speed increases while on the road; each spinner spin or Taxi hit will raise your speed by 2 MPH instead of 1.
- Engine, $3000: This is the piece of equipment for the Hot Rod.
- Spoilers, $3000: This is the piece of equipment for the Sports Car.
- Tires, $3000: This is the piece of equipment for the Monster Truck.
- Brakes, $3000: This is the piece of equipment for the Mini Beetle.
- City Guide, $5000: This item will tell you what City Mode lies in the next city.
- Air Bag, $5000: 30 seconds of air-filled goodness.
- Compass, $10,000: This item is crucial to traveling; it lets you travel eastward.
- Big Air Bag, $25,000: 60 seconds of good-filled airness.
- Extra Ball, $50,000: Self-explanatory. Jay only has one of these.
- Mystery, $100,000: This starts the Really Big Race. It only appears if you have qualified.
- Big Mystery, S1,000,000: This starts Million Dollar Madness.
After you play the City Mode for the city you are in, the Police Scoop will light to go On the Road. When you go On the Road, you will start a certain distance away from the next city. This distance is adjustable from 100 miles to 500 miles in the operator's menu. Your speed starts at 30 MPH. Each spinner spin or hit on the closed Taxi will add 1 MPH to your speed (or 2 MPH if you have the Cruise Control.) Making any shot (the Nameless Scoop counts; the left orbit and open Taxi do not) subtracts your current speed from the distance remaining. When the distance remaining reaches 0, the left orbit will light to enter the next city. Hitting a slingshot will subtract 1 mile from your distance.
Choosing a Destination
When you go On the Road, the game will randomly pick one of the two cities immediately west of you as your destinaton, unless you bought a planner. If you do not have the compass, each slingshot hit will change your destination to the other city west of you. These changes will happen during Duels and Police Chase Frenzy, but will not happen at all if you have a planner. If you have the compass, the slings will still change your direction (if you were traveling west), but you have another way to control your destination. There are five small standups scattered around the playfield; each is labeled with a compass direction or "Compass". Hit the two standups corresponding to the direction you wish to travel, and then hit the Compass standup. These changes override the planner, but are not available during Duels and Police Chase Frenzy.
Police Chase Frenzy
When you reach 56 MPH, Speed Trap becomes lit on the U-Turn. Shoot the U-Turn to start the Police quickshot, which counts down from 5M to 1M and is collected on the U-Turn. Collect it to start Police Chase Frenzy, a three-ball multiball. Hit the Taxi to light Jackpot (the value is whatever you scored for the quickshot) on the U-Turn. While any Police jackpot is lit, the mini-ramp is raised; hit the Police Car to add 1M to the jackpot value (maximum value is 10M). Collect the Jackpot to light the Taxi again; hit it twice to light Double Jackpot on the U-Turn. Collect that to light the Taxi again, hit it thrice to light Triple Jackpot on (you guessed it) the U-Turn. Collect that to open the Taxi. Shoot a ball into the Taxi to raise the mini-ramp; you have 15 seconds to hit the Police Car for a Super Jackpot (5X). The first Super collected during any Police Chase Frenzy awards a Big Race Booster, gives you a short ballsaver, and relaunches balls to bring you up to four. It also lights the third blue light on the dashboard, if it is not already lit. Any Jackpot scored will give you a few seconds of Air Bag. This multiball ends when you are down to one ball or fewer, at which point you will be put back on the road, with 0 miles remaining to your destination. Note that you can only light Speed Trap once per road trip; if you miss the quickshot, you'll need to wait for the next road trip. If a ball goes into the Dead End saucer during this mode, it will be held there for 15 seconds or until a jackpot is scored.
Video Mode
Video Mode is lit on the Taxi during single-ball road play. Shoot a ball into the open Taxi to start. You have 60 seconds. You use the flipper buttons to steer and both to brake. Your objective is to ram as many other cars off the road as possible. Once you kill 10 cars, the Police Car comes at you. Kill him to get a special item to kill. The special item is either a giant pinball or a question mark (if you have already killed the pinball this game.) Kill the pinball to get an Extra Ball (duh); kill the question mark to get a Big Race Booster. After you kill or miss that, more cars come along until you have run out of time. You get 500K per kill, and an extra 3M for the police car. If you kill everything you come across, you get an extra 50M. If you complete the mode without bumping into any cars, you get a 50M special bonus. If you finish with zero kills, but bumped into a car, you get 10M. If you finish the mode without any of these bonuses, you get an additional 500K per kill. Completing Video Mode puts you in the next city.
There are four duels plus a wizard duel. They are lit by completing combos and started on the Police Scoop in left-to-right order (Hot Rod, Sports Car, Monster Truck, Mini Beetle). Only one duel may be active at once. Each duel gives you a meaty ballsaver and kicks another ball onto the table. The racer's combo shots light; hit them a total of three times (5M each) to raise the racer. Get one ball into the racer (10M) and the other into the Taxi (25M) to win the Duel, a Big Race Booster, and $20,000. If you have the correct piece of equipment for the racer you're dueling, the mystery target will light; hitting it will spot a combo shot. When a Duel is completed, the racer will keep the ball; this ball will be part of the Big Race. Completing a Duel will put you in the next city. When all four duels have been played, Police Duel will light on the Police Scoop. This Duel is similar to the others; the shot you must make is the U-Turn. Scoring is doubled for this Duel, and winning it will award an Extra Ball in addition to the usual prizes. The Police Scoop will not keep the ball after the Duel. Starting Police Duel will light the fourth blue light on the dashboard.
The Big Race
The Big Race is the city mode for San Francisco. It is a five-ball multiball; balls held in scoops count towards this total. All lit or flashing shots are worth 2M per Big Race Booster you have collected, or 1M if you don't have any. The Big Race is handled in the following ingenious manner:
100 seconds are put on the clock, with unlimited ballsaver and Air Bag. Any car you have beaten in a Duel will start behind you; any car you have not beaten is in front of you. At all times, any raised racer is in front of you and any lowered racer is behind you. At all times, one raised shot will be flashing and one lowered shot will be flashing. Hit the raised shot to overtake that racer. If you do not hit either shot within 10 seconds (or 20 if you have the correct piece of equipment), the lowered racer will raise and kick out its ball, becoming the new raised flashing shot. Hitting the lowered shot will reset that timer. When 25 seconds remain on the clock, the Taxi will open if you are in first. Hit the Taxi to win the Big Race, 100M, $100,000, and an Extra Ball. It will also light that fifth blue light. The sixth blue light will probably light too, as it symbolizes $100,000 in cash. If you lose, all balls will drain and you will get 10M-40M for fifth through second place. If you win, all five balls will kick out simultaneously and you will play a Victory Frenzy. This is a Speedway Frenzy with a 5M base jackpot value. After any Big Race, you will be in New York.
The Really Big Race
The Really Big Race is bought from Jay's for $100,000. It is a six-ball multiball where you must make 15 shots to win. Once again, you have 100 seconds with unlimited ballsaver and Air Bag. All four racers raise; you must shoot each of them three times. The third time you hit any given racer, it'll hold the ball. These 12 shots total $50,000 and 50M. When all four racers are lowered, the mini-ramp will raise; hit that for $50,000 and 50M, then hit the Police Scoop for $100,000 and 100M. Finally, hit the Taxi for $300,000, 300M, and an Extra Ball. When you complete the Really Big Race, you will play a Really Big Victory Frenzy: a six-ball Speedway Frenzy with the base jackpot set at 10M. Really Big Races return you to the city you bought them from, and unlight all six blue lights.
Million Dollar Madness
This is the Big Mystery from Jay's. Starting a Million Dollar Madness awards one point and kicks all ten balls into play. All switches score 1M to a maximum of 1B, and all 84 lights on the table start flashing. Hit any shot to clear one off. When all 84 lights are cleared, you are awarded 1B, and you now have $0.
Bonus Count-Up
The bonus is calculated as follows:
100K/city visited
This is cumulative.